
於DSE取得1科5**級 ,1科5*級,2科5級。現就讀香港理工大學康復治療科學(榮譽)理學士組合課程 - 職業治療學(榮譽)理學士。邢愷媚同學畢業於祖堯天主教小學

In the blink of an eye, I had walked up the slope for six years. In the blink of an eye, my secondary school life had come to an end. It is unbelievable that I have built a myriad of precious memories in Methodist College, albeit the pandemic.

My teachers had spared no effort to help me acquire knowledge. Being responsible for different subjects, teachers allowed me to widen my horizons, gaining exposure to different sides of the globe. In the final stage of DSE, they kept helping me to mark my work and give me useful and elaborate comments. I am grateful that my teachers had always been a staunch supporter of my academic work.

Alongside the enhancement of my knowledge, teachers, together with our principal, had devoted plenty of time in perfecting our whole-person development. Looking back at my past six years, I was encouraged to participate in a myriad of school teams and courses, ranging from English Debate Team and Chinese Drama Team to Squash Team and flute classes. Besides, I could seize a lot of golden opportunities to pick up different posts like Head Prefect and Student Councillor. Thanks to all these, I was able to hone my skills to perfection and build different characters, sportsmanship, perseverance, self- discipline, you name it.

People leave, but memories stay. Methodist College has always been and will always be holding a special place in my heart. Never will I forget what the school has brought me and I will be thankful for everyone who makes Methodist College my home.
